Introduction 594-2014: Prohibit Hydraulic Fracturing in NYC
A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to prohibiting hydraulic fracturing in New York City.
A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to prohibiting hydraulic fracturing in New York City.
A Local Law to amend the New York city charter, in relation to the voters guide requirements of the campaign finance board.
A Local Law to amend the New York city charter, in relation to an office of food policy.
A Local Law to amend the New York city charter, in relation to early voting in municipal elections.
Resolution calling upon the New York State Legislature and the People of the State of New York to amend the State Constitution, and the New York State Legislature to pass and the Governor to sign legislation amending the Election Law to establish same-day and online voter registration. |
This bill would require the Taxi & Limousine Commission (TLC) to develop an e-hail application which would allow customers to electronically hail a yellow taxicab or a green street hail vehicle. The application would be the only application used by yellow taxicab or green street hail drivers to accept electronic hails. The bill would require that the application be capable of allowing customers to electronically hail an accessible vehicle. The bill would also require the TLC to develop a program to allow third-party applications to submit electronic hail requests to drivers through the application.
Would allow residents to register to vote and apply for an absentee ballot at the same time.
Requires the New York City Board of Elections to create a secure website to allow any eligible resident to submit a voter registration application.
Adds 15 additional agencies to the current list of agenices which are required to have, and offer, voter registration forms to anyone seeking agency services. It also required that agencies, if requested, assist individuals in filling out the forms and submit them to the New York City Board of Elections.
Kids’ meals that include toys as incentives would meet specific nutritional standards that include: