New York CIty Council Member Ben Kallos

Introduction 1249-2016: City Spaces - Public information about city-owned property that may be rented.

This bill would require the Department of Citywide Administrative Services (often called DCAS) to include information about which buildings are available for rental by the public in their public list of City-owned real property. It would also require the list or some other website to allow the public to reserve, rent, and make rental payments with respect to the properties where rental is permitted.


Legislation Status
Date of Introduction
Legislative Text

Int. No. 1249


By Council Members Kallos, Van Bramer, Cumbo, Rosenthal and Gentile


A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to public information about city-owned property that may be rented.


Be it enacted by the Council as follows:

Section 1. Subdivision b of section 4-203 of the administrative code of the city of New York is amended to read as follows:

b. The commissioner may lease or rent, or grant any such permit, license or authorization with respect to any such property or portion thereof, for such rental or other charge and upon such terms and conditions as the commissioner may determine, in any case where the terms of such lease, rental agreement, permit, license or other authorization is less than one year except that where such property or portion thereof has previously been leased, rented, the subject of such a permit, license or other authorization, the term of such lease, rental agreement, permit, license or other authorization may be for a term of up to five years[, and the rental or other charge fixed by the commissioner therein does not exceed five thousand dollars per month or any equivalent of such rental or charge]. Before the commissioner shall enter into any such lease or rental agreement or issue any such permit, license or other authorization, there shall be filed in the department [and with the board of estimate] a written certification signed by two officers or employees of the department having the rank of senior real estate manager or an equivalent or higher rank, stating that the rental or other charge fixed therein is fair and reasonable.

§2. Subdivision c of section 4-203 of the administrative code of the city of New York is amended to read as follows:

c. Except as otherwise provided in subdivision d of this section, the commissioner may lease or rent or grant a permit, license or other authorization with respect to any such property or portion thereof, only for the highest marketable price or rental at public auction or by sealed bids and after advertisement for at least fifteen days in the City Record and after appraisal made within ninety days prior to such transaction, in any case where the term of such lease, rental agreement, permit, license or other authorization is longer than one week and [less] shorter than one year[, and the rental or other charge fixed therein is more than five thousand dollars per month or any equivalent thereof].

§3. Section 4-208 of the administrative code of the city of New York is amended to read as follows:

§4-208 List of City-Owned and Operated Real Property. a. The department of citywide administrative services shall keep and maintain a complete list of the location and current use of all real property owned or leased by the city. For each parcel of property, such list shall include, but need not be limited to, the following information to the extent such information is available:

1) the map on which the property appears in the most recent atlas of the property;

2) the tax block number;

3) the tax lot number;

4) the address or name of the property, if applicable;

5) the agency to which the property is assigned;

6) sufficient information to determine the property's current use or to determine that it has no current use;

7) total area of the property, expressed in square feet and rounded to the nearest integer;

8) whether the property contains the presence of an open petroleum spill;

9) whether the property is enrolled in a government cleanup program, and if so, the name of such program;

10) the year construction of the structure or structures was completed and whether such year is an estimate, where applicable;

11) the number of structures, where applicable;

12) total gross area of all structures expressed in square feet and rounded to the nearest integer, where applicable;

13) ratio of building floor area to the area of the property, where applicable;

14) allowable ratio of building floor area to the area of the property, where applicable;

15) land use category as defined by the department of city planning;

16) the community district;

17) the most recent census tract;

18) the most recent census block;

19) the community school district;

20) the city council district;

21) the zip code;

22) the fire company that services the property;

23) the health area;

24) the health center district;

25) the police precinct;

26) the major use of the structure or structures, where applicable;

27) the number of easements, where applicable;

28) the exterior dimensions of the portion of the structure or structures allocated for commercial use, where applicable;

29) the exterior dimensions of the portion of the structure or structures allocated for residential use, where applicable;

30) the exterior dimensions of the portion of the structure or structures allocated for office use, where applicable;

31) the exterior dimensions of the portion of the structure or structures allocated for retail use, where applicable;

32) the exterior dimensions of the portion of the structure or structures allocated for garage use, where applicable;

33) the exterior dimensions of the portion of the structure or structures allocated for storage or loft use, where applicable;

34) the exterior dimensions of the portion of the structure or structures allocated for factory use, where applicable;

35) the exterior dimensions of the portion of the structure or structures allocated for a use or uses other than residential, office, retail, garage, storage, loft or factory use, where applicable;

36) the number of full and partial stories starting from the ground floor in the primary structure, where applicable;

37) the sum of residential units in all structures, where applicable;

38) the sum of residential and non-residential units in all structures, where applicable;

39) the frontage, measured in feet;

40) the depth, measured in feet;

41) the frontage along the street, measured in feet;

42) the depth of the structure or structures, which is the effective perpendicular distance, measured in feet, where applicable;

43) whether the structure or structures are detached, semi-detached or attached to neighboring structures, where applicable;

44) whether the property is irregularly shaped;

45) the location relative to another lot or the water, expressed as mixed or unknown, block assemblage, waterfront, corner, through, inside, interior, island, alley or submerged land;

46) a description of the basement, expressed as none, full basement that is above grade, full basement that is below grade, partial basement that is above grade, partial basement that is below grade or unknown;

47) the actual assessed value as of the most recent fiscal year;

48) the actual exempt land value as of the most recent fiscal year;

49) the actual exempt total value as of the most recent fiscal year;

50) the year of the most recent alteration, where applicable;

51) the year of the second most recent alteration, where applicable;

52) the name of the historic district, where applicable;

53) whether the property is a landmark and, if so, the name of such landmark, where applicable;

54) the condominium number assigned to the complex, where applicable;

55) the coordinate of the XY coordinate pair that depicts the property's approximate location as expressed in the New York-Long Island state plane coordination system;

56) the e-designation number associated with the property, where applicable;

57) whether the property is located in an industrial business zone;

58) the primary zoning classification of the property;

59) the zoning designation occupying the second greatest percentage of the property's area, where applicable;

60) the primary commercial overlay assigned to the property, where applicable;

61) the commercial overlay occupying the second greatest percentage of the property's area, where applicable;

62) the special purpose or limited height district assigned to the property, where applicable;

63) the special purpose or limited height district assigned to the property occupying the second greatest percentage of the property's area, where applicable;

64) whether the land is potentially suitable for urban agriculture; [and]

65) the hours of availability of the property or any portion thereof for rental by the public, if any; and

66) agency contact information, including name, telephone number and email address.

b. For each property or portion of a property listed pursuant to subdivision a that is available for rental by the public, the list required by subdivision a shall further include the following information to the extent such information is available:

1) the maximum number of permissible occupants of the rentable area or areas;

2) the availability in each rentable area or areas of electricity, air conditioning, wired internet, and wireless internet;

3) the availability of, and any requirements for, security personnel, in the rentable area or areas;

4) whether admission may be charged for an event in the rentable area or areas;

5) any applicable requirements for insurance particular to the rentable area or areas;

6) the minimum time period for a rental of the rentable area or areas, if any;

7) the cost of renting the rentable area or areas, including information on the cost that goes towards the facility itself, any required utilities, and payments to any city employees required to perform work pursuant to such rental; and

8) the names of all individuals and entities that are scheduled to rent each such property, the dates and times for which each such rental is scheduled, and the total cost being charged to each such individual or entity for each such rental, except that the name of an individual or entity shall not be included if such individual or entity requests anonymity or if the commissioner determines that the individual or entity has a significant privacy interest in the omission of his, her, or its identity from such list. When scheduling a property rental that will be listed pursuant to this subdivision, the commissioner shall ensure that the renter is aware that they may choose to be anonymous pursuant to this paragraph.

c. For each property managed by the economic development corporation, such list shall include the percentage of usable space actually occupied by a tenant or tenants.

[c.] d. Such list shall be made available to the public at no charge on a website maintained by or on behalf of the city of New York in a sortable and searchable format and for download at no charge from such website in a non-proprietary, machine-readable database format. Such list shall be completely updated no less than once every two years, except that information included in the list pursuant to paragraph 8 of subdivision b of this section shall be updated within 24 hours of any additions or changes to such information.

e. There shall be a website, available at no charge and maintained by or on behalf of the city of New York, on which the public may reserve, rent, and make rental payments with respect to each property or portion of a property listed pursuant to subdivision a that is available for rental by the public.

§4. This local law shall take effect 180 days after its enactment.

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