New York CIty Council Member Ben Kallos

Introduction 985-2015: Limiting Lobbyist Influence on Elections

This local law eliminates the possibility of matching, with public funds, any contribution to a candidate for local office that is bundled by a lobbyist or person who has, or may have, business dealings with the City.


Legislation Status
Local Law Number
Local Law Year
Date of Introduction
Legislative Text

Local Law 167 of 2016

Be it enacted by the Council as follows:

                 Section 1. Paragraphs (g) and (h) of subdivision 3 of section 3-702 of the administrative code of the city of New York are amended, and a new paragraph (i) is added to such subdivision, to read as follows:

(g) contributions from lobbyists or other persons required to be included in a statement of registration filed pursuant to section 3-213(c)(1) or section 3-213(d). The board shall rely on the database maintained by the city clerk pursuant to section 3-221 or such other information known to the board to determine whether a contribution is not matchable based on the contributor's status as a lobbyist or person required to be included in a statement of registration filed pursuant to section 3-213; [and]

(h) contributions from contributors subject to the limitations of subdivision one-a of section 3-703 of this chapter; and

(i) contributions for which any person subject to the limitations of subdivision one-a of section 3-703 of this chapter acted as an intermediary.

§ 2. This local law takes effect immediately, except that paragraph (i) of subdivision 3 of section 3-702 of the administrative code of the city of New York shall not apply to any contributions received prior to the effective date of this local law.




Prior Bill Draft - Int. No. 985


Be it enacted by the Council as follows:


                     Section 1. Paragraphs (g) and (h) of subdivision 3 of section 3-705 of the administrative code of the city of New York are amended, and a new paragraph (i) is added to such subdivision, to read as follows:

(g) contributions from lobbyists or other persons required to be included in a statement of registration filed pursuant to section 3-213(c)(1) or section 3-213(d). The board shall rely on the database maintained by the city clerk pursuant to section 3-221 or such other information known to the board to determine whether a contribution is not matchable based on the contributor's status as a lobbyist or person required to be included in a statement of registration filed pursuant to section 3-213; [and]

(h) contributions from contributors subject to the limitations of subdivision one-a of section 3-703 of this chapter; and

(i) contributions for which any person subject to the limitations of subdivision one-a of section 3-703 of this chapter acted as an intermediary.

                     § 2. This local law takes effect on January 1, 2016.


LS 2394/2014



Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 06/29/2016 - 8:18pm



I support this bill because it is important to eliminate conflicts of interest in the Board of Elections, if I am reading the bill correctly. It seems that this bill will prevent people who have a possible monetary gain as a result of the election of the candidate that they are supporting from garnering additional support from public funds. In general, I agree with the mayor, who stated that money plays far too much a part in the election processes in this country. Due to the widening income gap, it is more and more difficult for people from lower socio-economic statuses (SES) to get elected. It has been shown that elected officials that have been part of a low SES are more likely to support legislation that combats this pervasive problem in America.


Thanks to Council Member Kallos and Lander for introducing this legislation.


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