New York CIty Council Member Ben Kallos

Upper East Side Patch Blood Center Hearing: New Concessions, But Opposition Holds Firm by Nick Garber

Blood Center Hearing: New Concessions, But Opposition Holds Firm

What will ultimately matter is whether Kallos's Council colleagues defer to his wishes and vote against it in mid-November, or defy his preferences to support the project — a distinct possibility, according to some reports.

Wednesday's hearing offered few clues. The only other Council members who spoke at length were Manhattan member Keith Powers and Brooklyn lawmaker Antonio Reynoso, whose questions to the Blood Center team offered little indication of how they will ultimately vote.

Reynoso, though, suggested a possible path forward through negotiation.

"I hope that you and Councilmember Kallos can sit more," he told the Blood Center team, "and get to a place where we can all be happy."

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