New York CIty Council Member Ben Kallos

Donovan J. Richards

Introduction 1393-2016: Board of Standards and Appeals (BSA) Reporting on Variances

This bill would require the Board of Standards and Appeals to report information about applications for variances and special permits, and appeals of decisions regarding variances and special permits, to the Council twice per year, on dates approximately one and a half months prior to the mandated due dates for the Preliminary Mayor’s Management Report and the Mayor’s Management Report.

Introduction 1069-2016: Full Time Legislature

This bill would require the City Council to set forth rules prohibiting Council Members from earning certain outside income and would make the position of Council Member full-time. The provisions of this bill and any rules promulgated pursuant to this bill would not apply to any Council Member who has engaged in another occupation, profession or employment during the current Council session, who intends to continue to engage in such occupation, profession or employment for the remainder of such session, and who submits a letter to the Speaker of the Council by March 1, 2016 describing such engagement and intention.

Introduction 931-2015: Applying Tax Liens to Buildings with Outstanding Violations

This bill allows the city to impose tax liens on buildings which contain 20 or more dwelling units where the total value of all such judgments against the building is $60,000 or more, or a building which contains between 6 and 19 dwelling units, where the value of the judgments is $30,000 or more. The bill contains exceptions for the Department of Housing Preservation and Development’s preservation projects.




Introduction 855-2015: Automatic Benefits Study

Local Law 60 of 2018, amends the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to a study regarding the feasibility of notifying individuals who may be eligible for public assistance. Requiring the Mayor’s Office of Operations to to produce a study by December 31,2018, regarding the feasibility and cost of of utilizing City administrative data to determine the individuals who are likely eligible for public assistance and to provide notice to those individuals of their likely eligibility. The study will include all forms of public assistance for which an individual can apply through the city.